Sat-26-12-2020, 12:44 PM
Because of the that fact that the immune system will react to the vaccine, which is also the intention, there may be some side effects, due to this reaction. Side effects like an allergic reaction (reported with the Pfizer), pain at the location of the injection , headache, fatigue, all normal signs of the immune system that is at work.
There can be uncommon side effects. In the Netherlands those can be reported to the Lareb, a so called side-effect registering centre.
But we, psoriasis Patients can also report to PSOprotect, kind of a Lareb, but specifically for psoriasis patients.
But indeed, the most logical place to report is here on psoriasisclub ..
There can be uncommon side effects. In the Netherlands those can be reported to the Lareb, a so called side-effect registering centre.
But we, psoriasis Patients can also report to PSOprotect, kind of a Lareb, but specifically for psoriasis patients.
But indeed, the most logical place to report is here on psoriasisclub ..