Sun-20-10-2019, 08:40 AM
That you are the type of laughing has occurred to me.
Great that you have started your own Journal.
Indeed MTX does nothing against Psoriatic Arthritis, research in the Netherlands confirms this. It is totally unclear to me why the rheumatologists, Yes also here in NL, keep on starting with this medication all the time. Apparently they do not read there literature. It is one of the reasons I have very little faith in the acts of rheumatologists. My experiences with them are very low quality on average.
Great that you have started your own Journal.
Indeed MTX does nothing against Psoriatic Arthritis, research in the Netherlands confirms this. It is totally unclear to me why the rheumatologists, Yes also here in NL, keep on starting with this medication all the time. Apparently they do not read there literature. It is one of the reasons I have very little faith in the acts of rheumatologists. My experiences with them are very low quality on average.