Fri-01-03-2019, 02:12 AM
Welcome! I have been using Cosentyx for almost a year now and my psoriasis is gone. I'm beyond thrilled!! Although I have had weird small places on the back of my head that are sore, but just went to my dermatologist 2 days ago for a 6 month check-up and she said I look great! I will say my psoriatic arthritis hasn't responded the same. I have joint pain every day, but it is not overwhelming at all like it has been years ago when it first flared. It's more an annoyance (I feel I have a higher pain tolerance) and am managing work okay. It's a desk job so not too taxing. I hope you have positive results with your new treatment because psoriasis is horrible to deal with - physically and emotionally. Sending good vibes your way!!!