Mon-18-02-2019, 09:31 AM
It is always worth trying to reduce your medication.
Jim recently posted about it, that he also did, but that it did not work for him. On the other hand, also Bill has reduced and for him it worked.
In the time I was using DMF, I have also gone down from 6x to 4x, after that the signs came back.
It makes sense to reduce medication, absolutely the slow workers, like acetretin is, you never know if you are dosing too high. And it seems for you that you did. Or even... do not have PP. Although the pictures typically look like psoriasis.
Certainly discuss with your Derm. I assume he/she will also see the sense of reducing. Every body is different and reacts different to medication. So even a lower dose than now may be worth trying.
Jim recently posted about it, that he also did, but that it did not work for him. On the other hand, also Bill has reduced and for him it worked.
In the time I was using DMF, I have also gone down from 6x to 4x, after that the signs came back.
It makes sense to reduce medication, absolutely the slow workers, like acetretin is, you never know if you are dosing too high. And it seems for you that you did. Or even... do not have PP. Although the pictures typically look like psoriasis.
Certainly discuss with your Derm. I assume he/she will also see the sense of reducing. Every body is different and reacts different to medication. So even a lower dose than now may be worth trying.