Mon-26-02-2018, 13:29 PM
(Mon-26-02-2018, 13:11 PM)sama Wrote: Does diet work for plaque psoriasis as well? I have been diagnosed with PP on my neck, scalp and knees. My recent antobiotics seems to the trigger. I have been reading the forum, researching on the internet, watching YouTube videos and reading Dr. Pagano's book. I have cut nightshades, refined sugar, wheat and diary for the past 1 week. I have been applying coconut oil, Aloe-Vera on the plaques whenever I can. Started with Vit-D, Fish oil and probiotic.
Hi Sama

I think you will be lucky if they work, apart from Alan who’s thread this is few have been successful, there are few that succeed with the natural route
I’m sure cutting these things out helps but for me the way to get control is to see a dermatologist ... I believe if it was as simple as diet, then diet would be prescribed by hospitals,
But that’s just my opinion but so far not many return to tell of success with their systems. Alan does keep us updated with his success and you are welcome I’m sure to follow his lead . If you do I hope you will keep us informed of your progress