Mon-22-09-2014, 18:05 PM
Nice site and I really approve of the concept. Impressive amount of
Interestingly (well to me anyway) I have had skin problems for over 40 years (I'm 58) and have been treated for excema all this time. Until my first (yes) visit to a consultant earlier this year who said it was psoriasis. TBH I thought I had both over the years but no GP can be bothered to think about anything beyond the myriad of creams and lotions to choose from. I only found out I had been using a steroid cream after 30 years. No-one had ever thought to mention it.
Having just read about Dovobet on your site-I can say the consultant who prescribed it for me never mentioned anything about how it is used.
Anyway, I am very fortunate that for most of this time it has been confined mainly to my feet, with my hands being affected for the last few years making me go back for lots of useless GP appointments. They all wanna 'cure' ya. Eventually they gave me the referral I asked for. Dovobet works so far.
I work for a disability charity and would be happy to contribute to the site, not likely to be on too regularly though, but keep up the good work.

Interestingly (well to me anyway) I have had skin problems for over 40 years (I'm 58) and have been treated for excema all this time. Until my first (yes) visit to a consultant earlier this year who said it was psoriasis. TBH I thought I had both over the years but no GP can be bothered to think about anything beyond the myriad of creams and lotions to choose from. I only found out I had been using a steroid cream after 30 years. No-one had ever thought to mention it.
Having just read about Dovobet on your site-I can say the consultant who prescribed it for me never mentioned anything about how it is used.
Anyway, I am very fortunate that for most of this time it has been confined mainly to my feet, with my hands being affected for the last few years making me go back for lots of useless GP appointments. They all wanna 'cure' ya. Eventually they gave me the referral I asked for. Dovobet works so far.
I work for a disability charity and would be happy to contribute to the site, not likely to be on too regularly though, but keep up the good work.