Fri-31-05-2019, 10:39 AM
Happy Ninth Birthday Psoriasis Club
Yes nine years ago I sat down on a borrowed computer and decided there was not a psoriasis support place anywhere in the internet that I felt comfortable with. I wasn't using the internet much then, but places I did find either wanted my money for donations, wanted to sell me miracle cures or just had a bad atmosphere about the place.
So with my borrowed computer I set off on something I have never done before. I was sure I could make a friendly place where people with psoriasis could talk to each other without any money involvement. Most of you probably know this story but I still enjoy sharing it. Anyway I found a place where I could set up a forum on a free hosted platform and thought "Why not give it a try" well I have to say it wasn't easy, but the more it looked like failing the harder I worked at it. I was determined to make it work and prove people wrong when they kept saying it will never last.
It became a challenge and I grasped it by the horns. I'm known for being stubborn and once I get the bit between my teeth it is difficult to stop me. As I started winning the challenge it became a hobby and I decided to get my own website, I decided it would be self funding and it would never be money driven. I did try once with a few ads to try and raise some cash but soon worked out I was making nothing and just helping fat cats get fatter, so I dumped all ads and to this day I still pay for it out of my pocket money. Little bit's of cash I pick up or money given to me for my birthday goes straight in the Psoriasis Club kitty. This makes us the only totally independent psoriasis website out there.
I said last year 8th Birthday at Psoriasis Club "Keep looking out for the Psoriasis Club birthday announcements each year, I'm sure you will be pleased with what you see" As some of you know I have struggled a little bit with my motivation and wasn't sure if I wanted to keep it going after our tenth birthday next year (a promise I had already made) so in case you missed it, I can confirm that Psoriasis Club will still be here after it's 10th birthday next year. I have the funding in place till May 2021 and by then we will be celebrating our 11th birthday.
Sometimes when I'm thinking of making the annual birthday thread I try to be careful not to bore you all to tears with my ramblings, but Psoriasis Club is in my blood. It's not always easy but the enjoyment I get from watching people supporting each other and the friendliness of the members reminds me that my hobby is a great hobby. Over the years I have seen so many posts (over 150,000) some are sad and some are happy, some I find boring and some I find great fun. I have learnt things I never knew from the [Group Specific] board and seen some excellent photographs in [Group Specific]
There have been some heavy arguments especially in the politics thread and there are some threads I just can't agree with, but I have found that we all manage to respect each other. And the welcome given to our new members is amazing, I doubt there are many that would say our members are cliquey. If they did then I hope they know that they are very welcome to talk to us as all our members are equal, I would hate to think anyone thought Psoriasis Club was not welcoming to it's new members. Our new members are just as important as our long standing ones, the only people not welcome here are spammers, scammer, trolls, bullies and they will soon be thrown out of the door.
Thank you all very much for you continued input, it makes my hobby worth continuing. I couldn't do it without you all.
Sorry to have made it so long again, but I have a special little present so you never forget us.
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