Thu-18-10-2012, 22:17 PM
If you don’t have psoriatic arthritis, I hope you never get it. Today has been a terrible day. It started in the early hours of the morning; I woke up in a tight ball and felt like I had been stuffed in a jam jar!
I had to get up early too, as the nurse was coming for a blood test. It took me a while to roll out of bed and shuffle off to the bathroom, shower and drying was difficult as my bones just wouldn’t wake up. Usually I can get them working after an hour or so, but today it’s been like someone has come along and tightened all my joints up with a monkey wrench.
Hobbled around all-day in a grumpy mood and it’s not even a Full Moon. Time for another glass of red I think to help with the numbness, no not to get rid of the numbness but to bring it on.
Night Night
I had to get up early too, as the nurse was coming for a blood test. It took me a while to roll out of bed and shuffle off to the bathroom, shower and drying was difficult as my bones just wouldn’t wake up. Usually I can get them working after an hour or so, but today it’s been like someone has come along and tightened all my joints up with a monkey wrench.
Hobbled around all-day in a grumpy mood and it’s not even a Full Moon. Time for another glass of red I think to help with the numbness, no not to get rid of the numbness but to bring it on.
Night Night