Thu-13-09-2012, 17:45 PM
YAY some success 
Saw Dr Ali at the hospital, he remember me although I have never dealt with him directly, we went over previous treatments and creams etc
He then took a look at me, his first question was how on earth are you coping? Bless him I think he was a bit shocked as im now officially more than 90% affected!! (I thought I was being generous saying I was 70-80%)
He straight away ruled out any point in giving me steroid creams, which I'm very thankful of and wouldn't of used any way!
We then discussed the next steps,
my skin could clear once baby hear and settle,
or if I am coping and breast feeding I can go for more UVB but he explained his concerns as having once already this year
Or if I can't cope or it gets worse or if breast feeding doesn't work I can go straight onto cyclosporine to get it under control.
He said I could start UVB tomorrow but we both agreed that it would be a bi pointless now at this stage.
He mentioned biologics, and I explained tha I would be looking at having another child before I am 30 so not an avenue at this time, he agreed.
I also asked about the treatment Caroline is on, it is currently not licenced in the UK but some large hospitals are using it for selected patients, Eastbourne is currently discussing being able to offer it to some patients, the doc said he is more than happy to discuss the treatment with me with a view to take it once protocols are in place which will be around feb!!!
Also something that shocked me, they asked if I would minded being photographed by the hospitals medical photography unit and the pictures will be put with my records to make it easier for my psoriasis to be reviewed and monitored, so after baby is born they have some reference which I think is a massive step forward for treatments.
I have been given a number to call with an open appointment for as soon as I feel I need to go back and the treatment I get I am in control of and get to pick to some degree what I want.
This is my first dermatology appointment where I haven't left in tears feeling hopeless, in fact I actually enjoyed it and feel far more in control now and calmer knowing I have got my back ups, but fingers crossed I don't need them and things settle after baby is born!

Saw Dr Ali at the hospital, he remember me although I have never dealt with him directly, we went over previous treatments and creams etc
He then took a look at me, his first question was how on earth are you coping? Bless him I think he was a bit shocked as im now officially more than 90% affected!! (I thought I was being generous saying I was 70-80%)
He straight away ruled out any point in giving me steroid creams, which I'm very thankful of and wouldn't of used any way!
We then discussed the next steps,
my skin could clear once baby hear and settle,
or if I am coping and breast feeding I can go for more UVB but he explained his concerns as having once already this year
Or if I can't cope or it gets worse or if breast feeding doesn't work I can go straight onto cyclosporine to get it under control.
He said I could start UVB tomorrow but we both agreed that it would be a bi pointless now at this stage.
He mentioned biologics, and I explained tha I would be looking at having another child before I am 30 so not an avenue at this time, he agreed.
I also asked about the treatment Caroline is on, it is currently not licenced in the UK but some large hospitals are using it for selected patients, Eastbourne is currently discussing being able to offer it to some patients, the doc said he is more than happy to discuss the treatment with me with a view to take it once protocols are in place which will be around feb!!!
Also something that shocked me, they asked if I would minded being photographed by the hospitals medical photography unit and the pictures will be put with my records to make it easier for my psoriasis to be reviewed and monitored, so after baby is born they have some reference which I think is a massive step forward for treatments.
I have been given a number to call with an open appointment for as soon as I feel I need to go back and the treatment I get I am in control of and get to pick to some degree what I want.
This is my first dermatology appointment where I haven't left in tears feeling hopeless, in fact I actually enjoyed it and feel far more in control now and calmer knowing I have got my back ups, but fingers crossed I don't need them and things settle after baby is born!