Mon-20-08-2012, 16:14 PM
This has really frustrated me today and played on my mind a lot, so I just want to vent a bit.
I know deep down I should know better and not judge and I feel like a bad person!
I had a call today from someone who needed to re-home their dog which they have had the past 5 years, their reason Psoriasis!!!v

As a dog lover and owner and a sufferer of the condition it has really struck a cord with me.
I have been so bad to the point I cannot dress myself but I do and I just push on through and still I manage to walk my dog and care for him, I also know that if I am very bad there are treatments and it's only a matter of time before I can start and the meds kick in.
I feel awful for my lack of sympathy but I get so many phone calls about people needing to re-home. And if the person who called is reading this I do apologise I don't know your own situation and I really hope you find relief soon.