I have disabled the "Latest Threads" bar at the top of the forum for a trial as it was confusing Google, which isn't good for people searching.
Logged in members can always check for new threads by clicking "View New Posts" or "View Today's Posts"
New posts will show all new posts since you last logged in, and Today's posts will show you (Yep you guessed it Today's posts)
Another option for members and guests is to click the "Portal" button on the menu. New threads on the left and threads with new posts on the right.
Any questions let me know.
Logged in members can always check for new threads by clicking "View New Posts" or "View Today's Posts"
New posts will show all new posts since you last logged in, and Today's posts will show you (Yep you guessed it Today's posts)

Another option for members and guests is to click the "Portal" button on the menu. New threads on the left and threads with new posts on the right.
Any questions let me know.