Wed-07-07-2021, 15:48 PM
Hey, everyone. I’ve never been in a forum before, so I hope I’m doing this right (not over sharing or whatever )
My skin issues started in 2019, with scaly crinkly skin under my eyes and around my mouth… and also on the lady bits (hence the concern with over sharing). I had no idea wtf was happening because while I’d dealt with occasional eczema patches between my fingers, at 42 years old I’d never had anything like psoriasis. Also, it’s not in my family.
I had just stopped using a very strong cortisone cream. I think using it for so long (which apparently I wasn’t supposed to do) and then quitting it is what triggered an autoimmune disorder that most resembles inverse psoriasis down below and plaque psoriasis on my face. Which is why I’m here.
My latest doc got me on TALTZ. I’ll go to the treatment page to ask questions about that.
But as far as intros go: I’m 42, married (though I cannot fathom why he hasn’t hit the door yet since my issues have kept us from…. Over sharing again, sorry). I have 3 kids.
Anyway, I hope to not feel so alone by talking to other people who deal with this, as well as get answers about how to cope.

My skin issues started in 2019, with scaly crinkly skin under my eyes and around my mouth… and also on the lady bits (hence the concern with over sharing). I had no idea wtf was happening because while I’d dealt with occasional eczema patches between my fingers, at 42 years old I’d never had anything like psoriasis. Also, it’s not in my family.
I had just stopped using a very strong cortisone cream. I think using it for so long (which apparently I wasn’t supposed to do) and then quitting it is what triggered an autoimmune disorder that most resembles inverse psoriasis down below and plaque psoriasis on my face. Which is why I’m here.
My latest doc got me on TALTZ. I’ll go to the treatment page to ask questions about that.
But as far as intros go: I’m 42, married (though I cannot fathom why he hasn’t hit the door yet since my issues have kept us from…. Over sharing again, sorry). I have 3 kids.
Anyway, I hope to not feel so alone by talking to other people who deal with this, as well as get answers about how to cope.