This study assess whether psoriasis comorbidity affected the progression of multiple sclerosis (MS)
*Early view funding unknown.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) and psoriasis are inflammatory disorders, with epidemiological and biological associations. The impact of one disease on the course of the other has not been studied.
To characterize patients with psoriasis and MS, and to assess whether psoriasis comorbidity affected the progression of MS.
A retrospective case control study. Patients with psoriasis comorbidity were identified from 3456 patients included in the Sheba Hospital Multiple Sclerosis Center database. Clinical and demographical characteristics and MS progression-related outcomes in patients whose follow up exceeded 5 years were analyzed and compared to those of a matched control cohort of MS-only (MSO) patients.
Forty-five (1.3%) MS patients had psoriasis comorbidity. Psoriasis preceded MS in thirty-five (78%) cases. The psoriasis was defined as mild, moderate, and severe in twenty-four (53%), twelve (27%), and nine (20%) cases, respectively. MS progression-related outcomes were evaluated in 35 patients that had follow-up over 5 years. Patients with psoriasis onset preceding relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) had slower progression of disease compared to MSO patients, as manifested by a longer time to second relapse (p<0.01) and a longer time to significant neurological disability scores (p<0.03).
Psoriasis comorbidity preceding the onset of MS is associated with slower progression of disability.
*Early view funding unknown.