Sat-30-07-2016, 21:43 PM
(This post was last modified: Sat-30-07-2016, 21:44 PM by Lookingforhelp.)
Hi. I have psoriasis on my penis and have been using hydrocortisone cream to treat it for 5 months now. I'd say the cream has cleared up 20% of the area. I noticed something form on my forearm. I thought I had been cut by a plant or maybe got poison ivy but it didn't go away. Little white spots started to form and then I realized, maybe this is psoriasis. I was on vacation and in hot sun for several days and I noticed the area on my arm completely cleared up and is 100% gone. It wasn't a big area but I virtually cannot see any of it still there.
I have heard that sunlight helps psoriasis. Being that I've had it on my penis and been using the cream for 5 months now with only a 20% success rate, I am thinking I may need some sun.
My question is, how well does sunlight typically help psoriasis? Could it be that what was on my arm was psoriasis and it cleared up the whole area in a few days? Does it work that well, or does it typically take many sessions of sunbathing... 10, 50? If not that many and it can clear it up in a few sessions I may need to make the trip to the local nude beach. Lol.
I have heard that sunlight helps psoriasis. Being that I've had it on my penis and been using the cream for 5 months now with only a 20% success rate, I am thinking I may need some sun.

My question is, how well does sunlight typically help psoriasis? Could it be that what was on my arm was psoriasis and it cleared up the whole area in a few days? Does it work that well, or does it typically take many sessions of sunbathing... 10, 50? If not that many and it can clear it up in a few sessions I may need to make the trip to the local nude beach. Lol.