This study looked at drug survival rates of different biologic agents in a cohort of psoriasis patients. I concludes the overall efficacy of biologic agents is reduced with time. And patients with the comorbidity of metabolic syndrome demonstrate a loss of adherence to biologic treatment.
*Ahead of publication. Funding unknown.
Psoriasis often requires lifelong therapy, and adherence to treatment is considered a marker for treatment success. Data on the drug survival of biologics in psoriasis patients with comorbidities are lacking.
This study was designed to estimate the long-term drug survival rates of different biologic agents in a cohort of psoriasis patients and to evaluate reasons and predictors for treatment adherence.
Drug survival rates and outcome parameters in psoriasis patients treated with biologic agents were analyzed.
A total of 125 treatment periods with adalimumab (n = 37), efalizumab (n = 9), etanercept (n = 55), infliximab (n = 13), and ustekinumab (n = 11) were administered to 67 psoriasis patients. Patients with psoriatic arthritis (P = 0.010) and without comorbidity (P = 0.033) demonstrated significantly greater rates of drug survival.
The overall efficacy of biologic agents is reduced with time. Patients with the comorbidity of metabolic syndrome demonstrate a loss of adherence to biologic treatment.
*Ahead of publication. Funding unknown.