Wed-21-10-2015, 10:02 AM
Morning all,
Coming up to week 9, all going well. Hands, arms, body mostly clear. Legs getting there, still quite marked and some p hanging in there! Sometimes I think I have new bits but not sure !
Side effects / observations : hair and nails growing quicker than normal though this could be because of decline of p in they areas. Still have p in some nail beds though.
Dreams:: I now constantly dream , 4 or 5 a night, vivid dreams. Again this could be because I am getting more sleep, not up all night scratching . The last time I dreamt this way was when I was on nicotine patches .
Bloods , look fine to me got print out yesterday, though my cholesterol is 5.3, on the higher range as 5 being the top of normal. Again I'm getting out more and eating out. Bring on the cholesterol lowering food. Ha ha
Seen derm 2 weeks ago, she very pleased for me and says she has not seen anyone respond as quick as 2 weeks, which was when my arms were flat. I have a couple of lesions on scalp which she is sending me to have a biopsy on the biggest one . Have had for years , before starting all meds, but because another has shown up she is doing this.
Fred: I mentioned food to her and from her reaction I don't think she has read the BAD literature for stelara and she says she has never advised anyone on foods.
Next jag due mid December, I'll keep updating.
Hope your all well.
Coming up to week 9, all going well. Hands, arms, body mostly clear. Legs getting there, still quite marked and some p hanging in there! Sometimes I think I have new bits but not sure !

Side effects / observations : hair and nails growing quicker than normal though this could be because of decline of p in they areas. Still have p in some nail beds though.
Dreams:: I now constantly dream , 4 or 5 a night, vivid dreams. Again this could be because I am getting more sleep, not up all night scratching . The last time I dreamt this way was when I was on nicotine patches .
Bloods , look fine to me got print out yesterday, though my cholesterol is 5.3, on the higher range as 5 being the top of normal. Again I'm getting out more and eating out. Bring on the cholesterol lowering food. Ha ha
Seen derm 2 weeks ago, she very pleased for me and says she has not seen anyone respond as quick as 2 weeks, which was when my arms were flat. I have a couple of lesions on scalp which she is sending me to have a biopsy on the biggest one . Have had for years , before starting all meds, but because another has shown up she is doing this.
Fred: I mentioned food to her and from her reaction I don't think she has read the BAD literature for stelara and she says she has never advised anyone on foods.
Next jag due mid December, I'll keep updating.
Hope your all well.