Sun-23-08-2015, 13:38 PM
(Sun-23-08-2015, 13:06 PM)stoatula Wrote: Thanks for the welcome back (I never really left, I just didn't have anything to report). I did read the iodine thread, yes. I've put it on my mental to-do list.
If you follow the news, the thing they're all going nuts for at the moment is gut bacteria. So my made-up diet is sort of aimed in that direction, plus I'm trying various teas and probiotics. Hoping to adjust my inner bugs. Eh, it's an idea.
Given the huge variability in what works for people, I'd be willing to bet the main factor in improvement is the placebo effect. But that's okay -- I believe the placebo effect is one of the most important and most grievously under-studied clinical issues of our time.