Mon-28-12-2015, 18:59 PM
(Mon-28-12-2015, 15:33 PM)soosieb99 Wrote: Hi Jim
I thought I had replied to your message but clearly not! Sorry.
I know I've not been on here for a while just been a tad manic.
I am still on my meds. It has been a battle still to get them in time and had massive flare up when the appointment with the specialist didn't coincide and I ran out. Was very angry with them and told them so. Since then I have still had to battle and get prescriptions done by other doctors to tide me over. Surely it shouldn't be this hard???!! Anyway I went back to see the head honcho a couple of weeks ago. He was not happy at all with the fact that I had been having problems with it all and dictated a letter there and then to say that the meds should be on repeat!! Hallelujah! He also wasn't happy that it was still active and has increased the dose to 20 mg per day. I am supposed to see him in 3 weeks following that appointment and ..... Yep you guessed it! No appointment has arrived as yet with 1 week to go! Hey ho. The psoriasis is a lot clearer though despite all that and hopefully will now be even better. Side effects are not great but will see how it goes.
Thanks for asking!
How are things with you?
Hi Soosieb don't worry about not replying earlier .... I hope you didn't mind me asking

Life can be manic, and often the last thing you need to be thinking about is writing on here
What a shame you have struggled with the supply of acetretin .... But I'm glad you have finally got that sorted out ...I'm glad you are clearing now you have upped the dose to 20mg. and will get a regular supply it should hopefully clear for you...
What side effects are you still getting ?
If I were you I would ring the dermatologists secretary and ask if there was an appointment that may have got lost in the post

Myself I'm doing fine and I'm still virtually clear and enjoying life to the full ... Making the best of being clear