Hi I have seen many new members looking through the introductions.
If you are one and are new to forums this may help you with your first post.
#1 From main menu click on Introductions
#2 Above the introductions is a button new thread
#3 Click on this a box will open
#4 On the left of the box second line down is Thread Subject write your description in here for instance " jimbos Intro" or whatever you want to name it
#5 Below that is a big box to click on and write your introduction when you are happy with it and want to see what it looks like
#6 At the bottom of the box past the green section it gives three options... Post thread ..... Preview post ... Or save as draft.
The first thing to do is click Preview Post ..... You can then see what others will see when posted... If there are changes to be made you can change it before you post it by clicking Post Thread
That's it its basic but simple if you follow the instructions.
If you want a more comprehensive instruction go here Starting a new thread
When you have done this and want to do more posts there is a tutorial here Posting A Reply
*This thread is closed. All introductions are closed after 90 days to save confusion.
You are welcome to start new threads in any other sections of your choice.
If you are one and are new to forums this may help you with your first post.
#1 From main menu click on Introductions
#2 Above the introductions is a button new thread
#3 Click on this a box will open
#4 On the left of the box second line down is Thread Subject write your description in here for instance " jimbos Intro" or whatever you want to name it
#5 Below that is a big box to click on and write your introduction when you are happy with it and want to see what it looks like
#6 At the bottom of the box past the green section it gives three options... Post thread ..... Preview post ... Or save as draft.
The first thing to do is click Preview Post ..... You can then see what others will see when posted... If there are changes to be made you can change it before you post it by clicking Post Thread
That's it its basic but simple if you follow the instructions.
If you want a more comprehensive instruction go here Starting a new thread
When you have done this and want to do more posts there is a tutorial here Posting A Reply
*This thread is closed. All introductions are closed after 90 days to save confusion.
You are welcome to start new threads in any other sections of your choice.