Sun-09-02-2014, 19:06 PM
(Sat-08-02-2014, 11:12 AM)Mike1967 Wrote: I'm to shy for group sessions to be honest. I normally stick to the treadmill which I do enjoy when I make the effort. But even there I feel like the odd one out trying to keep covered up when everyone else is in shorts and t shirts.
I understand your shyness. Certainly when trying to cover up, you feel that everyone is looking at you.
There is also a different approach.
I know the hill is high for that, but if you take this hill the first time that you are on the gym, while the hill is not yet that big, than you have had it.
What I mean by that is, that if you go to a group lesson, you step to the teacher and you ask if you can have the word for a moment.
You introduce yourself shortly telling that you are new and telling that you are suffering of psoriasis. You tell them this is an auto immune disease, how it expresses itself and that it is impossible to transfer this disease, as it probably is genetic.
You can tell that at the place, or bike, where you are working out there will be some dead skin cells, but that you will clean that.
And you tell them that you hope they will see you as a person just like you.
I think that will break the ice, and within short time you will gather some friends over there, maybe even girlfriends, who don't care on how you are looking, but go for the real person.
Give it a go!!!
What do you have to lose?
We will be here to support you
