You may not have time to visit the forum to see if there are any new threads or answers to your posts, but our members can get an email if someone starts a new thread in a section they are interested in or if another member posts an answer to your thread
Lets say you always want to know if there is a new thread in the "Psoriasis In The News" board.
Go to that board and just under the New Thread button (top right) you will see Subscribe to this forum click that and you will get an email if a new thread is started in "Psoriasis In The News"
Note: you can subscribe to as many forums as you wish, but you will only get notified if you have "Instant email notification" turned on in your UserCP options and accept emails from The Administrators
So now you can keep a check on your favourite boards via email.
You can also subscribe to a thread without posting in it: If you look at the bottom of the thread on the left hand side you will see "Subscribe To This Thread" Click it and a window will open, make sure Instant Email Notification is ticked and click Subscribe To Thread.
*If you just want to know if someone answers you? Click "Subscribe and receive email notification of new replies" when making your post.
*You can unsubscribe at anytime by clicking "Unsubscribe"
Lets say you always want to know if there is a new thread in the "Psoriasis In The News" board.
Go to that board and just under the New Thread button (top right) you will see Subscribe to this forum click that and you will get an email if a new thread is started in "Psoriasis In The News"

Note: you can subscribe to as many forums as you wish, but you will only get notified if you have "Instant email notification" turned on in your UserCP options and accept emails from The Administrators
So now you can keep a check on your favourite boards via email.
You can also subscribe to a thread without posting in it: If you look at the bottom of the thread on the left hand side you will see "Subscribe To This Thread" Click it and a window will open, make sure Instant Email Notification is ticked and click Subscribe To Thread.
*If you just want to know if someone answers you? Click "Subscribe and receive email notification of new replies" when making your post.
*You can unsubscribe at anytime by clicking "Unsubscribe"