Tue-28-01-2014, 12:46 PM
When I look at my psoriasis, I wonder if it is red in color or?? Currant? Wine as in Cabernet or Zinfandel? What do you consider red in the coloring of skin?
How Red is RED?
Tue-28-01-2014, 12:46 PM
When I look at my psoriasis, I wonder if it is red in color or?? Currant? Wine as in Cabernet or Zinfandel? What do you consider red in the coloring of skin?
Tue-28-01-2014, 13:01 PM
Hi Ravenraver oops sorry misspelt
In my case I used to be more Cranberry than red wine, fading down to Rose At the moment almost "normal" ![]()
Tue-28-01-2014, 13:05 PM
(Tue-28-01-2014, 12:46 PM)ravenravr Wrote: When I look at my psoriasis, I wonder if it is red in color or?? Currant? Wine as in Cabernet or Zinfandel? What do you consider red in the coloring of skin? Oh what I would do for a nice Zinfandel Yum ![]() Well I'm not 100% sure of your question but hey I'll have a go. I would probably say "It's Red like Wine" or "Pink like a Rose" But that could be a bit misleading as some wines are darker than others as are some roses. So I would probably say "Pigment" whilst talking about psoriasis, a dark pigment would be red raw and a light pigment would be slightly pink. For example since being on Stelara although my skin has cleared you can still some slight pigment change on my skin where it used to be at it's worst. I'm probably miles off your original question, but that's me. ![]()
Tue-28-01-2014, 13:19 PM
Thank you!
I guess what I was asking was if RED constituted being 'blood red' or other variations of red...hence the wine variations (I too love red wines!). So, if ones skin was leaning towards the deep hues of reds, what does this indicate? I am just starting to find out the essences of psoriasis...can I say DENIAL!!>?? lol
Tue-28-01-2014, 13:29 PM
(Tue-28-01-2014, 13:19 PM)ravenravr Wrote: So, if ones skin was leaning towards the deep hues of reds, what does this indicate? I would say either you are having a flare-up or you have been scratching it to much and your body is responding to the injury. If you leave psoriasis alone (yes I know it's next to impossible) but if you can it will go a grey silvery to creamy colour. Having said that there are different types of psoriasis that give different colours, have a look at this thread Types Of Psoriasis Explained it explains the different types and has links to images that may help.
Wed-29-01-2014, 14:03 PM
My inverse psoriasis is initially fire red, but appears glossy over time. The stuff in my mouth is also fire red. My plaques are not fire red, but tends to grow thick; to the point I can take 600 grit sand paper and not feel much.
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