Wed-17-04-2013, 21:37 PM

I first started showing symptoms of psoriasis about a year ago. The first month was the worst, because it took my doctors about this long to figure out what was going on. I was finally referred to a dermatologist, who instantly diagnosed me with gutate psoriasis. She recommended I try light therapy as well as clobetasol propionate. I tried this, which did make the psoriasis better, but the tanning beds also brought up a lovely fungal infection which gave me white spots all over my arms and back (it sounds gross, but it was just another awkward kind of spots in addition to my psoriasis). Also, I did not want to continue with the tanning beds for too long because my family does have a history of skin cancer. I only did short amounts of time, but still, it makes me nervous. I was treated for the fungal infection, and my dermatologist added Dovonex to my treatment for psoriasis. Now, after about a year of really struggling, I feel I am really learning to manage this.
I take a lot of baths with epson salt, which seems to help some. I also have finally found a lotion that keeps my skin moisturized without irritating my VERY sensitive skin. For anyone who has sensitive skin/skin allergies in addition to psoriasis, I recommend trying St.Ives' Oatmeal and Shea butter lotion. Occasionally I will still use the clobetasol or the dovonex to get a bad patch under control, but I find I really hardly need it with the epson salt baths and st. Ives lotion.
Anyway, I just wanted to share because I feel like I am really learning to live with and manage my psoriasis. I'm glad to know this forum exists, because there have been a lot of times in this past year where I have felt alone with this condition. It is nice to be able to scroll through posts and see that I am not alone, and also to see the different ways other people are managing and treating this. Thank you all for sharing.