Psoriasis Club Forum Helpers
At Psoriasis Club we feel forums can be to over moderated, and we would prefer our members to moderate themselves in regards to their behaviour.
Fred deals with the everyday moderation in regard to editing, moving, or banning of threads, posts, and members should the occasion arise.
Forum Helpers are not moderators they are members just like you, but they are members that have had a lot of input on Psoriasis Club and have shown that they are always willing to help others. They are often on-line and can help with a range of questions, problems, and support for our members. They could help a new member get settled in, or they may be able to offer help in other ways like support when you need someone to talk to.
We know how difficult it can be sometimes to fit in when joining a new forum as a newbie, we also understand that you may have a problem as a member that you would feel more comfortable speaking to just one person about. And that is where the Forum Helpers come in; you can feel comfortable having someone trusted on Psoriasis Club that you can contact.
The Forum Helpers are volunteers and may not always be here but should you shout out somewhere one of them will find you and if they can’t help you themselves they will know who to get in touch with that can. Our current Forum Helpers are listed below and you can click a link to read their Bio, should you want to contact one of them you can start a new thread in [Group Specific] And ask for them by name. If you would rather your contact remain private you can contact them by Private Message (*Note Private messages can only be sent by members with 5 posts, so go here [Group Specific] and make 5 posts first.)
*Please remember the Forum Helpers volunteer their time and are not here 24/7 so please be patient if asking for a specific helper.
Psoriasis Club Forum Helpers:
The fastest member on the board.

Can be quite direct in my reactions, that's because I am Dutch, if you think I disagree with Fred, then there is nothing to worry about.

I'm the American member of the team.