What is the future of Fumaderm?
The medical use of fumaric acid esters (FAE) was first described in 1959 by the German chemist W. Schweckendiek who reported on successful internal and external treatment of his own psoriasis. In 1994 a defined mixture of DMF and the Ca, Mg and Zn salts of the corresponding monoethylester, ethylhydrogen fumarate, was registered in Germany as Fumaderm by Fumapharm AG.
I have noticed a lot more members of Psoriasis Club talking about Fumaderm, I've also noticed that it's been slowly creeping into the NHS in the UK and getting prescribed by the NHS even though in the link Jim posted here RE: Long term fumaderm...?? it says "Although unlicensed in the UK, Fumaderm® is used by specialist dermatology centres."
Here in France they are now starting trials off it too, maybe others will know about other countries that are using it if so please add.
Fumaderm has shown good results and going by what members say on Psoriasis Club it does seem to be a good option for some, and I started to think this is great news if the UK and France are now promoting it as it will cost less to the health economy of said countires.
BUT: Then I started to get my other hat on and thought WHY all of a sudden have they started using it when it's been there all this time.
#1 Could it be the UK and France still haven't forgot the war and wouldn't buy it? No both countries buy German cars and other goods so we can rule that stupid idea out.
#2 Could it be they have just been waiting to see if there are any significant side affects to stop them using it? No they use the Bio treatments that haven't been around so long as Fumaderm.
#3 Now the third theory: Biogen Idec Acquired Fumapharm AG in 2006. Biogen Idec is one of the world’s leading biotechnology companies. They develop medicines that change the lives of people living with neurodegenerative diseases, hematologic conditions and autoimmune disorders.
They also make Tecfidera a new drug they are working on to treat MS which is basically Fumaderm in another can so to speak, this means the health systems of the UK and France want/need this new drug so they feel obliged to start using Fumaderm which they are probably getting at a good price.
*This is about Fumaderm as a brand and not what Caroline or Bill are using.
You can find their threads here:
Dimethylfumarates and Psoriasis
Bill's pure dimethylfumarate thread
My opinion is that Fumaderm will stay as it is for Psoriasis patients, but I do feel the price will slowly creep up to way above what it is now and could even end up costing France and the UK as much as the Bio's because Biogen Idec need huge amounts of money to fund it's pipeline.
What do you think is the future for Fumaderm Now?