I will give you a quick explanation of those drugs.
Sulfasalazine - this drug does not prevent bone damage. However, it some mild efficacy with symptom relief. Only DMARD that has symptom relief with the back. If you are allergic to Asprin or can't take it stay away.
Leflunomide - Shows mild efficacy in preventing bone damage in hands and feet. Doesn't help with psoriasis even know people try to claim it does.
The reason he is mad at you for not wanting MTX is because any combination of these drugs can be taken together. However, without MTX there is no psoriasis relief.
I will give you a quick explanation of those drugs.
Sulfasalazine - this drug does not prevent bone damage. However, it some mild efficacy with symptom relief. Only DMARD that has symptom relief with the back. If you are allergic to Asprin or can't take it stay away.
Leflunomide - Shows mild efficacy in preventing bone damage in hands and feet. Doesn't help with psoriasis even know people try to claim it does.
The reason he is mad at you for not wanting MTX is because any combination of these drugs can be taken together. However, without MTX there is no psoriasis relief.