(Wed-23-03-2016, 23:15 PM)mataribot Wrote: Politics as usual. The manufacturer doesn't need to spend millions USD to figure out where consentyx stands with PsA. It's no better than the TNfs if you consider the current standard. However, there isn't a drug that has statistically shown superiority over TNFs. What we do know is the TNFs have a high rate of failure or reduced benefit over a prolonged period of time. It's nice to give another option for those people.
Matari, I don't think this will cost millions of USD.
You hire an administrative force, or even a student, and let him search through the database with PSA sufferers. Then he should send requests to them if they are willing to have part in the investigation.
A planner has to write a plan. Not so difficult. Its only minor timing.
Someone has to make some questionnaires, you can do that in one day.
A pharmacist has to make the placebo's, will take him two days.
The manufacturer has to provide for the stuff.., may take a week in passing time, the work connected is nothing.
An IT-guy has to make a database for recording the results. 4 hours work.
Than a projectleader has to start and coordinate the plan. He will be connected to the project for one day a week during the time of the test. This may be the most costly part of the project. A few thousands of dollars.
In the end someone has to interpret the results and make a report. Also one week of work.
Most costly will be the management involved as they cost a lot of money compared to practical work, still they are necessary because of their networking possibilities.
Certainly, I cannot find Millions anywhere in any trial, that is a myth that manufactures will want us to believe in order to increase the price of the medication.