Fri-13-09-2013, 09:04 AM
(Fri-13-09-2013, 02:52 AM)Danny Wrote: hard to find your way around this forum plus the green back ground makes it hard to read if you bad eyes . sorry you might thank I gripe a lot but I just tell it like I see it Da nny
Could you give me a bit more information on the problems you have with finding your way around please? If it's the layout this thread may help: Change thread layout
Re the green background: This has been mentioned on the thread where I asked for members feedback here [Group Specific] I'm sorry it's giving you problems with your viewing, I think as you are the second member to mention it I will look at trying to reinstall the default blue theme and having it as a member option (though it may take me a while as I changed the default to the green)
But for the moment if it helps you could try the Light (Archive) Mode you can find it on the bottom menu or go here: