Fri-26-06-2015, 00:38 AM
Hello house, I appreciate your concern and encouragement. However, you guys also scared me by saying no cure yet. Here in Nigeria,the herbalist and other traditional medicine houses are saying its a spiritual attack. The dermatologists/skin experts (though few in number) are saying its a common skin condition in developed world and strange in the tropics. Online materials ascribed the cause to genetic, gut leakage,hormone, etc. It's so downfounded. I'll just continue with taken of fruits and coconut oil. I pray for grace to persevere in avoiding nightshade, alcohol,sugar,flour etc. I have a friend that just returned from Bremen Germany.she claimed, she had psoriasis and was cure there by exposure to UV light and dead sea salt solution bath. I saw dark spots on her skin. Was it early detection and treatment that help her situation? or what can we ascribed it to...luck?. On Tuesday 23 June 2015, I went to an office to access the internet overnight and was so ashamed of the particles that fell off me and littered the office floor. Just hope one day I would stumble over something that will help cure this condition. Let me not bore you people.Cheers .Ando