Tue-16-06-2015, 20:27 PM
(Tue-16-06-2015, 20:12 PM)jiml Wrote: That's shite Fred it could be the worry of the scan results . As you say when you get a good report tomorrow hopefully it will subside.
My thoughts will be with you tomorrow ...
Is the sun not helping at all ... At the first sign of sun my shirt is off
You say you have some dovonex isn't that the one you have to be careful in the sun ?
Are you going to take your Stelara early?
Let's hope tomorrow the worry will melt away and normal service an resume
Thank you Jim.
Nope the sun has made no difference, I've been making a point of trying to get some especially on my legs since noticing it getting worse. But all it's done has dried it up and it's as tight as hell, so I'm going to slap loads of Dovonex on and see what happens. And yes I won't be exposing my legs whilst trying the Dovonex experiment.
I may consider taking the Stelara shot early, but if I do it will only be two weeks early as I'm 95mg now and not 45. My dermatologist suggested sticking with what I know for the moment and continue with the joint rheumatologist/dermatologist meeting next month, and in 4 moths time go back to her and see how things are going. She also dropped me the nod that there maybe something else coming up at the end of the year, but I won't post that here yet as this is still my Stelara thread.