Sat-18-04-2015, 19:52 PM
We all have a lot to share. Sorry to hear you were burned with UVB. That is unfortunate , most assistants are not trained well. Some don't wear protective glasses or give patients protective goggles to protect eyes from the light.
I prefer sunlight and vit-D. D-3 can help many health disorders. Always wear UV sunglasses to protect eyes. Start out slowly then work time up as your skin cannot burn. Sun exposure during the early part of the day or late afternoon.
There are many new drugs on the market today. The protocol is to start with conventional treatments then move on to MTX and bios.
I use occlusion and sunshine for skin P. And Apremilast for PsA.
Everyone responds differently to drugs for P. I hope you find what works for you soon.
Healing blessings sent your way.