Thu-16-04-2015, 16:44 PM
The lady i saw in the job centre couldn't have been more helpful, she got on the phone to the company i've been passed over to who put me at this place and she basically told them to find something else for me to do, and that it wasn't I am unwilling its that i am unable to due to a pre existing medical condition, that would leave me open to all sorts of infection, she told them that even though she had stated i couldn't work with food due to P she had no idea that I'd be sent to a rubbish tip and that it is extremely unsuitable for me to do anything there. I wrote down the 3 points that Fred had posted earlier and she took a photocopy of them to add to my file as evidence etc, she asked me to get a dr's letter stating that in his opinion that it would be a bad idea for me to be on this placement. The guy at the company asked her to ask me to go anyway and that in the background they'll be working to get me something else to do.
So i got home called the docs etc, while they wouldn't give me an emergency appointment, because P doesn't warrant one. Fair enough i guess. But what they did say is that if i write them a letter with what i need them to say specifically, they'll get a letter typed up on headed paper etc within a couple of days. So i'll get that done in a few and get that to them tomorrow. I'll scan it in and email it to the placement officer at the company and say here's my proof if you dont believe me.
Initially i said to myself, just have an open mind i'm sure it'll be ok in the end.. at the beginning I arrived on site met the manager there, seemed decent enough and I straight out said to him i have P, he was like ok thanks for letting me know, we have another guy on site with it, you should be alright though. He then proceeded to warn me about a deadly infection spread by rats pee.. wtf moment number 1... first thought i had was, ok it'll be cool i'll be alright.. but if anyone was likely to catch it, it would be me... kept on my poker face though and was cool and said ok no worries... So he shows me around and lots of rubbish trucks in and out loading and unloading.. basically this place is whats called a waste transfer station, in a nutshell trucks pick up your rubbish from your house bring it to this place, empty, leave and it gets picked up by another truck and sent to landfill or wherever it needs to go.
So he shows me to where I'm supposed to be working, again i'm thinking hey its not so bad, just sweeping the place telling ppl where everything is supposed to etc, then wtf moment number 2.. we get to a recycled paper bin and there's used nappy's in there covered in.. well lets just say they were very very used.. I wont repeat the words i was thinking because they would make a sailor blush.. So i'm hoping this company moves me sooner rather than later.
So i got home called the docs etc, while they wouldn't give me an emergency appointment, because P doesn't warrant one. Fair enough i guess. But what they did say is that if i write them a letter with what i need them to say specifically, they'll get a letter typed up on headed paper etc within a couple of days. So i'll get that done in a few and get that to them tomorrow. I'll scan it in and email it to the placement officer at the company and say here's my proof if you dont believe me.
Initially i said to myself, just have an open mind i'm sure it'll be ok in the end.. at the beginning I arrived on site met the manager there, seemed decent enough and I straight out said to him i have P, he was like ok thanks for letting me know, we have another guy on site with it, you should be alright though. He then proceeded to warn me about a deadly infection spread by rats pee.. wtf moment number 1... first thought i had was, ok it'll be cool i'll be alright.. but if anyone was likely to catch it, it would be me... kept on my poker face though and was cool and said ok no worries... So he shows me around and lots of rubbish trucks in and out loading and unloading.. basically this place is whats called a waste transfer station, in a nutshell trucks pick up your rubbish from your house bring it to this place, empty, leave and it gets picked up by another truck and sent to landfill or wherever it needs to go.
So he shows me to where I'm supposed to be working, again i'm thinking hey its not so bad, just sweeping the place telling ppl where everything is supposed to etc, then wtf moment number 2.. we get to a recycled paper bin and there's used nappy's in there covered in.. well lets just say they were very very used.. I wont repeat the words i was thinking because they would make a sailor blush.. So i'm hoping this company moves me sooner rather than later.