Thu-16-04-2015, 11:49 AM
hi, Bav
def appeal , you can also self cirtificate for 2wks
ask you GP to run/do blood tests help speed up diag on the knees prob
as you prob now there quite a few linked autoimmune probs can go hand in hand with p
i always ask what medical qualfications the person has i am talking to down the JC /dwp etc
a lot of them do a 2hr in house training course , and think they know better than the consultants/GP
i receive esa/dla for my p/ppp alone , got a review coming up soon
best to get face to face advice from CAB etc
worth a read/search Rightsnet
mrs went for her assesment at the local council for a blue badge last wk
2 hrs later she came out, saying they/he thinks she get 1
asked her what medical qualifications did the asseror have she replied none
they had GP&consultants statements, mrs is waiting for 2hips/2knees
2hrs of repeated questions by a none medical person not even offered a class of water or asked if diabetic etc,
i/we dont even get that long with a medical consultant or GP
ps can we have spell check
EDIT By Fred: Links removed.
def appeal , you can also self cirtificate for 2wks
ask you GP to run/do blood tests help speed up diag on the knees prob
as you prob now there quite a few linked autoimmune probs can go hand in hand with p
i always ask what medical qualfications the person has i am talking to down the JC /dwp etc
a lot of them do a 2hr in house training course , and think they know better than the consultants/GP
i receive esa/dla for my p/ppp alone , got a review coming up soon
best to get face to face advice from CAB etc
worth a read/search Rightsnet
mrs went for her assesment at the local council for a blue badge last wk
2 hrs later she came out, saying they/he thinks she get 1
asked her what medical qualifications did the asseror have she replied none
they had GP&consultants statements, mrs is waiting for 2hips/2knees
2hrs of repeated questions by a none medical person not even offered a class of water or asked if diabetic etc,
i/we dont even get that long with a medical consultant or GP
ps can we have spell check
EDIT By Fred: Links removed.