Wed-07-01-2015, 15:04 PM
Good news another member has answered our new thread about the use of Dovonex.
We like the answer and would like to say thank you, or there are a couple of answers which have made us think of another question.
At the Right Hand Side just Above and Below the thread you will see a green button New Relpy Click that and you will see the same big white box you saw when you made your thread.
This time you don't need to put anything in the Post Subject all you need to do is type your message in the big white box then preview as we did before then Click Post Reply (yes it's as easy as that)
You can also add a new post to existing threads in the same way, for example you have since found a thread by another member who is talking about using Dovonex and you would like to ask them a question.
Just do the same as you did above, it works the same on any thread so you can ask away or share information.
Once you have mastered your first thread and post you may want to get adventurous and start using the Smiles and buttons, if you do there is lot's of info here Help using the forum
And you can also have a play here: [Group Specific]
We want you to post, and once you have found out how easy it is you could soon be helping others.
*Should you still not feel confident in starting a new thread just shout out somewhere, we will find you
We like the answer and would like to say thank you, or there are a couple of answers which have made us think of another question.
At the Right Hand Side just Above and Below the thread you will see a green button New Relpy Click that and you will see the same big white box you saw when you made your thread.
This time you don't need to put anything in the Post Subject all you need to do is type your message in the big white box then preview as we did before then Click Post Reply (yes it's as easy as that)
Thank you for getting back to me, I thought it was twice a day.
And thank you to everyone else for the answers and the other useful information, I'm starting to enjoy myself now I know how to start a thread and make answers.
Maybe I should go to the Off Topic Board and see if there is some one to chat with about making a windmill from a plastic bottle.
You can also add a new post to existing threads in the same way, for example you have since found a thread by another member who is talking about using Dovonex and you would like to ask them a question.
Just do the same as you did above, it works the same on any thread so you can ask away or share information.
Once you have mastered your first thread and post you may want to get adventurous and start using the Smiles and buttons, if you do there is lot's of info here Help using the forum
And you can also have a play here: [Group Specific]
We want you to post, and once you have found out how easy it is you could soon be helping others.
*Should you still not feel confident in starting a new thread just shout out somewhere, we will find you