Thu-25-12-2014, 20:02 PM
(Thu-25-12-2014, 16:29 PM)Caroline Wrote:BBCodes are usually enclosed between brackets. This is an open bracket [] and this is a closed bracket [/] the code itself goes inside the bracket, and the text goes between the open and closed brackets. So to make your text bold you would use the code below. it will look like this.Now apparantly you don't know what align is justify means. Well it is quite easy. It means that when you write a text, and you continue this text over several lines, this text will be aligned both to the right as well as to the left side. So then the text appears to be in a sort of rectangular block, where normally without justification the ends of the lines, the right side, is not on one straight vertical line. So this text you are now reading is in this form, it is aligned to both directions.This opposed to this text. This text is only aligned to the left, or perhaps better said it is not aligned at all. This means that of course the left side is still straight on one vertical line, but it also means that the right side is dependant on the last word that fits on the right sideline which is than not anymore on one nice straigt vertical line.
Thanks caroline I always wondered now it is clear