Tue-16-12-2014, 20:16 PM
(Tue-16-12-2014, 07:20 AM)Quest4Cure Wrote: Hello Glenda,Thank you so much for all the valuable information.I have tried all kinds of meds thru my rhemmy in the past 9yrs. and most of the meds didn't work for one reason or another.I was on lyrica and gained alot of weight.Was on methotrexate and etc.My 1st biologic was Remicade and had sode effects from it.So now am on Enbrel weekly shots which is very expensive $750 a shot.My insurance is paying for it now but come Jan i start all over with my deductibles and co-pays which is $4900 and after i pay that out of pocket the ins.co pays the full amount .But it's hard to pay out all that money plus $235 a month for blue cross blue shield,Oh well pay it and stop complaining ha
I am in the same spot waiting for my insurance company to approve a bio drug.
I have psoriasis and PSA. It's best to keep trying different drugs. Most insurance companies have a system to approving bio drugs for P and PSA.
Some prefer that u start with one bio first if that doesn't help or stops helping then u move on to the second bio on their list. Bio drugs are thousands of dollars per vile. Infusions and injections also cost depending on the mils used per injection, infusion or vile.
In the mean time maybe a few of my remedies can help you feel a little more comfortable while waiting for approval and to have the bio drug u start with sorted out. I have had psoriasis since a child and occlusion with coal tar or steroids used for occlusion has helped me for many years.
If u can get a RX for a topical steroid use lightly and protect UR fingers during application. This is not for the scalp for other areas of the skin. Alternate using steroids with coal tar using inclusion. Coal tar is available OTC. Using cling wrap at night over the P areas only.
Sealing in the meds in gets thru the many derm layers which cause of Psoriasis. This stops the little tiny capillary blood vessels that feed the P. And the steroids shut them off. Basically the same idea as bios except they go thru different vascular systems to shut down the blood vessels that feed the P. Only use
Also coconut oil at night is a good alternate to use. 3 nights steroids for psoriasis inclusion pure glycerin soap to wash, then moisturize after each hand washing or shower. Then for 4 nights use coconut oil or Vaseline or my fav mentholated vapo rub. after a week u will see a great deal of improvement. Less itching and scale build up.
For scalp olive oil, coconut oil, use a heavy oil rub on scalp and cover with shower cap over night.This will loosen the thick layers of P. Build up, any heavy oil will do.. Coal tar shampoos OTC For scalp P. Like TGEL have helped so many people. Wash hair in morning with TGEL shampoo for psoriasis of the scalp. The scales will be softened by the oil and fall off easily. Or ask UR derm for a psoriasis RX shampoo. Usually coal tar has helped many for generations.
Apple cider vinegar, mixed with Non Alcohol witch hazel and liquid glycerin, mixed in equal amounts in a spray bottle will help UR skin. Rub in during the day to stop itch and P build up.
Try to learn UR triggers for p. Injury to skin can start a flair for example. Keep PSA joints keep warm and take anti inflammatories OTC for pain. Take rest breaks several times during the day for joints. Never take hot baths or showers this will make the P worse. Use warm water then pat skin dry gently.
I have PSA and waiting for approval for a bio drug. It is a long wait with some companies.
In the mean time the old stand by suggestions above will help u in no time.
Is UR psoriasis seasonal? Mine on hands and feet are. Plaque I can control thru light therapy. Have u tried light thearpy for psoriasis. Or the new laser treatment for psoriasis is a great help. I also take vitD-3 and fish oil helps too! Stay away from sugars in anything it will cut down on the swelling in PSA.
Good luck to u and many blessing sent UR way.