Thu-11-12-2014, 23:21 PM
Thank you for your tips Kat. I'm a year away from medicare and just found out through a friend that she was advised by the U.S. governmental agent she spoke to that she should get a supplemental coverage plan on top of medicare for much better prescription, Dr. appointments, hospital stays and extended care payouts than medicare offers. To rub salt in the wound the government began deducting $100 monthly from her social security check on her 65th birthday due to her last years salary which just barely exceeded (by a few dollars) the maximum amount allowed to not have to pay for medicare. Very sad. One positive note out of this, the government now offers a six month 'magic window' for people to find supplemental insurance on their 65th birthday (3 months prior to 3 months after) for a very important reason. By a recently passed law Insurance companies are not allowed to ask about any pre-existing conditions that might increase your rates or allow them to not accept you because of them within that time frame. This is a very important message to pass along because if you fail to get supplemental coverage then you'll never get a chance again not to have to supply insurance companies with pre-existing condition information. Since psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis is treated as a pre-existing condition many insurance companies won't accept you or charge you much more because of your condition. Please be warned those who have their 65th birthdays coming up suffering from psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis that do not yet have supplemental insurance coverage. Nelson