Fri-10-10-2014, 19:27 PM
(Fri-10-10-2014, 19:04 PM)jiml Wrote: Yes as you know Fred I have had mine held up and they have on busy nights not come in until the next day....
Who are the users who complain I certainly don't ..... I doubt that's the reason ..... It only happens when the board is really busy......I have stopped relying on mail notifications and now go to the portal page and see who's posting as on the right hand side are the last 10 threads posted on.
I have changed my email also and will see if this is faster.....
I have noticed today some junk emails (bulk mail) is arriving 2-3 hours after the time shown so it's not just psoriasis club emails delayed in my case, although I thought it was.... But to be honest I never used to check the time sent on promotional or junk mails, but gave just started taking more notice
Hello jim, sorry I should have been a bit clearer, when I mentioned "Users complaining" It's not users from Psoriasis Club, it's users of Yahoo Email. Let's say you have a Yahoo Email account and you get an email that mentions "Jelly" you get fed up with seeing "Jelly" so you (now I'm not sure how this part works as I don't use Yahoo) but the way I understand it, you don't like getting emails mentioning "Jelly" and you hit a button. Another Yahoo member hits the same button as they too don't like "Jelly" that will then slow down emails that mention "Jelly"
Now if enough people don't like "Jelly" and hit the button eventually no one with a Yahoo account will get an email that mentions "Jelly" Now this is fine to help combat spam, but if enough people for example hit the button for "Cure" that by what I understand would stop emails from Psoriasis Club that mention "Cure"
So if someone post's or replies to Psoriasis Cure or my "cure" for example, then Yahoo will hold back and could possibly block our emails to you.
The theory behind it is great, but in my opinion it's not been thought through properly, and could be open to abuse. If you get enough Yahoo users complain about a word, phrase, website, etc it could get blocked.
I may be reading it wrong, and welcome anyone with Yahoo to put me right. But I've been unable to find a solution from my end to help people get the emails they want from Psoriasis Club.