Tue-16-09-2014, 04:48 AM
Hello Poppi,
What type of psoriasis do u have? How long? Can u share UR fav treatment?
I have had Plaque since a small child, then palmoplantar on hands and feet, and a couple other types.
Been striving to stay in remission with some pretty good luck with steroid creams used lightly moisturizers and occlusion. I found most OTC products with coal tar or pine tar work really well. Sunshine vit -D & all that Jazz!
Hope u r well and not suffering a flair.
What type of psoriasis do u have? How long? Can u share UR fav treatment?
I have had Plaque since a small child, then palmoplantar on hands and feet, and a couple other types.
Been striving to stay in remission with some pretty good luck with steroid creams used lightly moisturizers and occlusion. I found most OTC products with coal tar or pine tar work really well. Sunshine vit -D & all that Jazz!
Hope u r well and not suffering a flair.