Tue-19-09-2023, 14:28 PM
(Sun-17-09-2023, 13:59 PM)Forest Walker Wrote: How long would you be taking the antibiotics? Is it going to be a low dose indefinitely? A 7-day to 14-day, regular dose?
The suggestion that you could remove the tonsils if you have Strep A causes me to pause. Removing tonsils in an adult is not so easy, very painful, and can bleed a lot, making it hard for the surgeon to halt the bleeding and dangerous for the patient. It's not something to consider lightly.
Did your doctor mention anything about that part of tonsil removal when she offered it to you as a solution?
I admire your dietary discipline.
Its a 14 day course, i think 600mg, twice a day.
Regarding the tonsils, no she did not mention any complications or issues with that sort of operation. She said in the past she's had success with psoriasis remission after doing so. However no strep in my throat so that won't be something i need to consider.
And thank you