Mon-27-02-2023, 14:58 PM
The rule on doctors is in place for three reasons.
#1 Should a member post something bad about a doctor they can not post a reply to defend themselves as we don't allow medical professionals to post.
#2 Spammers and scammers have been known to post doctors names in the past to get free advertising.
#3 It's possible that some doctors may not be happy to have their name on our forum and it could end up getting me in trouble.
I know some of our rules are not popular but you are welcome to share doctors names via PM, and by not allowing them it keeps us independent.
Hope that explains.
*This thread is closed. All introductions are closed after 90 days to save confusion.
You are welcome to start new threads in any other sections of your choice.
#1 Should a member post something bad about a doctor they can not post a reply to defend themselves as we don't allow medical professionals to post.
#2 Spammers and scammers have been known to post doctors names in the past to get free advertising.
#3 It's possible that some doctors may not be happy to have their name on our forum and it could end up getting me in trouble.
I know some of our rules are not popular but you are welcome to share doctors names via PM, and by not allowing them it keeps us independent.
Hope that explains.

*This thread is closed. All introductions are closed after 90 days to save confusion.
You are welcome to start new threads in any other sections of your choice.