Sun-23-05-2021, 12:14 PM
Here you will find the latest reliable news about psoriasis.
As most of you know I keep up to date with everything going on in the world of psoriasis and any information I get I make sure it's genuine and from a reliable source before publishing it on Psoriasis Club. This keeps us free from spammers and scammers, as well as avoiding free advertising for other websites.
Only myself (Fred) will be able to start new threads in this section but all our members are welcome to post their own views on a news item if they wish.
I don't miss much when it comes to good reliable psoriasis news, but if you feel I may have missed something our members with more than 5 posts can post in the [Group Specific] where we can go through it together and see if it is worthy of publication on Psoriasis Club.
The other health boards are still there for all members to use and by moving news here it should help our members find threads easier. If you want to get notification of a new thread in this new section our members can subscribe see here: Notification of new threads and posts
*This is a new board and there may be some teething troubles, so do let me know if you spot anything wrong.
As most of you know I keep up to date with everything going on in the world of psoriasis and any information I get I make sure it's genuine and from a reliable source before publishing it on Psoriasis Club. This keeps us free from spammers and scammers, as well as avoiding free advertising for other websites.
Only myself (Fred) will be able to start new threads in this section but all our members are welcome to post their own views on a news item if they wish.
I don't miss much when it comes to good reliable psoriasis news, but if you feel I may have missed something our members with more than 5 posts can post in the [Group Specific] where we can go through it together and see if it is worthy of publication on Psoriasis Club.
The other health boards are still there for all members to use and by moving news here it should help our members find threads easier. If you want to get notification of a new thread in this new section our members can subscribe see here: Notification of new threads and posts
*This is a new board and there may be some teething troubles, so do let me know if you spot anything wrong.