Tue-05-08-2014, 09:29 AM
(Mon-04-08-2014, 20:17 PM)Caroline Wrote: Hello Sandra,Hi Caroline and Jim
That does not sound good, all this pain in the past years. And in all those joints ! You seem to have the same Jim and I, PsA or psoriatic arthritis. But normally PsA sticks to the tiny joints of hands and feet.
Good that you now are seeing a rheumatologist, but beware, those doctors are old fashioned. With that I mean that they will probably try to set you on MTX, methotrexate, one of the worst psoriasis medications.
And more, it appears more and more that it does not help on PsA.
You can read the article Methotrexate no better than Placebo for Psoriatic Arhtritis on our own psoriasisclub, and you can google on methotrexate no better than placebo for psoriatic arthritis Dr. Christopher T. Ritchlin,
Take the research with you if you are going to the reumatologist, I have been there also, see also MTX for a discussion, and other posts.
Keep us posted maybe we can be of further help to you.
Thanks for the info. I will certainly go in armed with the research. I said it may take a few months as there is a 6-12 week wait for appointments and that's urgent. My joints seem to flare up when the psoriasis flares. Keeping active, moving is the only thing G.P. Can say at present, which I do, but I did say, "you try doing it when it feels like you are walking on glass" also reccomended rest! Again I work, and in a real catch twenty two situation as I can't take tramadol when driving, so can only take in the evening. Still moaning won't change it. Just got to get on with it and actually I do, most of the time. I was just so fed up with being diagnosed with all sorts and no connection made to the psoriasis.
Anyway moan over and thanks for the advice and support.