I love a debate :-)
I have been put on MTX twice now, the first time was actually given by my GP and I hated it, I wasn't given any information about what I was taking but at 17 with your body covered and wanting to die I just went with the flow as nothing helped and just made my situation worse!
It made my hair go very thin and fall out easier than normal, but being put on it sped up how long it took to see a dermatologist who then put me on UVB.
My second time on MTX was a bit better I was far better supervised and the folic acid amount changed to taking it everyday apart from the day I took the MTX this made a big difference and I had no side affects. But the drug never really did more for me than just slow down the rate at which my psoriasis came back (I took it after a course of cyclosprin)
I know for others this drug has done amazing things!
I think the big picture is all about how you feel, psoriasis can lead to serious depression and I'm all for living for today so a strong drug may be horrible but if it gives you a quality of life that you have struggled to get then surely it's worth the risk?
I have been put on MTX twice now, the first time was actually given by my GP and I hated it, I wasn't given any information about what I was taking but at 17 with your body covered and wanting to die I just went with the flow as nothing helped and just made my situation worse!
It made my hair go very thin and fall out easier than normal, but being put on it sped up how long it took to see a dermatologist who then put me on UVB.
My second time on MTX was a bit better I was far better supervised and the folic acid amount changed to taking it everyday apart from the day I took the MTX this made a big difference and I had no side affects. But the drug never really did more for me than just slow down the rate at which my psoriasis came back (I took it after a course of cyclosprin)
I know for others this drug has done amazing things!
I think the big picture is all about how you feel, psoriasis can lead to serious depression and I'm all for living for today so a strong drug may be horrible but if it gives you a quality of life that you have struggled to get then surely it's worth the risk?