Mon-21-07-2014, 01:31 AM
The only thing I can tell you is that Fumaderm has a very high success rate around 70% and the people who give up often do because they can't stand the side effects.
I never had the itching that you are getting but I know others on here have had similar experience and have come through the other side.
You say you can't see an improvement yet, it is early days for you yet Fumaderm is a slow to work drug and doesn't give instant relief. What it does is give long lasting relief
Try and stick the side effects, moisturise your skin to stop it cracking ( try coconut oil Fred who runs the site put me on to it) and it is gentle and soaks in easily
Try taking the tablet earlier in the day it may work for you , just change a few things which may help
I never had the itching that you are getting but I know others on here have had similar experience and have come through the other side.
You say you can't see an improvement yet, it is early days for you yet Fumaderm is a slow to work drug and doesn't give instant relief. What it does is give long lasting relief
Try and stick the side effects, moisturise your skin to stop it cracking ( try coconut oil Fred who runs the site put me on to it) and it is gentle and soaks in easily
Try taking the tablet earlier in the day it may work for you , just change a few things which may help