Mon-07-07-2014, 21:10 PM
Yes - your gut is your intestines. Some Dr's believe that an overgrowth of yeast (candida) in your intestines causes inflammation which in turn results in psoriasis and many other ailments. They prescribe resetting your stomach's internal flora (bacteria) by eliminating sugar, alcohol, dairy and gluten for 12 weeks, as well as taking a probiotic (live culture supplemeent). I think the probiotic I am taking is causing the rash - it is quite strong at 50 billion live strains per capsule taken 3x a day. A rash from probiotics is a condition called herxheimer reaction (google it). I have stopped taking the probiotic to see if this is the cause, although they do say that the herxheimer reaction is a sign that your body is releasing toxins and it' a good thing.