Tue-21-02-2012, 21:50 PM
If you get banned from Psoriasis Club all your posts will be removed from public view and your registration details kept in the database for future reference. (Your registration details may also be registered with stopforumspam).
So why did I get Banned?
You must have done something which is against the sign up agreement when you registered for membership (usually trying to post spam links).
Or you may be using Disposable Email Addresses or Disguised IP Addresses. This is a friendly forum and all your registration details are safe, but if you feel the need to disguise or hide your IP or Email from us, then we can see no reason why we should accept you as a member.
Should you think we was wrong in banning you, please contact us.
So why did I get Banned?
You must have done something which is against the sign up agreement when you registered for membership (usually trying to post spam links).

Or you may be using Disposable Email Addresses or Disguised IP Addresses. This is a friendly forum and all your registration details are safe, but if you feel the need to disguise or hide your IP or Email from us, then we can see no reason why we should accept you as a member.
Should you think we was wrong in banning you, please contact us.