Sat-01-06-2019, 11:10 AM
(Fri-31-05-2019, 11:48 AM)jiml Wrote: Happy 9th birthday psoriasis club. What an achievement Fred to have reached nine years is amazing and I thank you for continuing your hobby which has become a place that has become a second home to many of us that have forged friendships here and enjoyed the banter as well as supporting each other when problems arise
Without your continued funding and untiring devotion to the club we would not have had such a welcoming place to come and just be ourselves and be among fellow sufferers
So thanks again Fred and Happy birthday PsoriasisclubCheers
You are welcome Jim. I have noticed a lot of friendships being formed over the years, some even get their giant sunflower seeds from the other side of the world I have heard.

(Fri-31-05-2019, 16:30 PM)Caroline Wrote: Happy birthday Fred and all other members, to Psoriasisclub. An amazing place, where already for years I am strolling around and each time again is capable of enlarging my interest in the well being of others and myself.
It is a great place to be, even in its virtual incarnation and it resembles a group of varying friends which are always open and friendly to newcomers, and always have the intention to help by giving information or generating ideas what people can do.
Yes you have been here almost as long as me, and you still keep coming back. I'll never forget my first contact with the strange Dutch Girl. Not much has changed.

(Sat-01-06-2019, 07:30 AM)Turnedlight Wrote: Happy birthday and thank you - the way you describe the forum makes me think of us as a family - we have laughs and we have arguments but we get support and are comforted by each other. I also talk to my actual family a lot online (as well as in the flesh!)
Here’s to Psoriasis club it certainly has made a difference for me and I no longer felt alone when I found it
Yes it is a bit like a family, but one that readily accepts newbies. And like you say we do manage to keep it all friendly, which was my main aim when first starting it.

Thank you all for the comments both here and via other means, it makes it all worth doing to know it's helping.