Thu-06-09-2018, 14:52 PM
Hello Lynn,
Welcome to psoriasisclub. That as first.
As second, if your daughter has no results on MTX for two years....... immediately STOP !!
It is a dangerous drug. Certainly for youngsters.
Really if I had a daughter that age, I would never have accepted this prescription, but I assume you did not know.
I have seen you have posted two things, I am going to look at your other post first.
Welcome to psoriasisclub. That as first.
As second, if your daughter has no results on MTX for two years....... immediately STOP !!
It is a dangerous drug. Certainly for youngsters.
Really if I had a daughter that age, I would never have accepted this prescription, but I assume you did not know.
I have seen you have posted two things, I am going to look at your other post first.