Sat-22-03-2014, 23:43 PM
I just want to put my two penny's in on this one because of the mention of the pumice stone. I am a soapmaker. I make a goat milk soap with ground oats in it to give it that scrubby your looking for. It is natural and is not going to gouge your skin off and risk infection. Look around your area and find a soapmaker. Using a cold process soap is best in my opinion, but as I said its just an opinion. Any soapmaker worth her/his salt will have a nice bar of oatmeal soap in their lineup. Cornmeal in soap is also good. You can get a nice soap with actual pumice powder in it and a loofa soap might be something you would enjoy. Just look around. Handmade soapers are everywhere. Ok off my soapbox for now.